Xun Zi

Quotes by Xun Zi

Xun Zi, also known as Hsun Tzu, was a prominent Chinese philosopher of the Warring States period, born around 310 BCE in the state of Zhao.

He is revered for his significant contributions to Confucian thought, particularly his interpretation of human nature and ethics. Unlike his predecessor Mencius, who maintained an optimistic view of human nature, Xun Zi argued that humans are inherently self-interested and require education and societal structures to cultivate virtue and morality.

His works, most notably the "Xunzi," articulate a vision of governance that promotes order and discipline, emphasizing the importance of rites and laws in shaping human behaviour. Through pragmatic realism, Xun Zi sought to address the tumultuous challenges of his time, making him a pivotal figure in Chinese philosophy and an essential voice in the discourse on ethics and politics.

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