Mo Zi

Quotes by Mo Zi

Mo Zi, also known as Mo Tzu or Mòzǐ, was an influential philosopher in ancient China during the Warring States period (approximately 470 – 391 BCE).

As the founder of Mohism, a school of thought that emerged as a counter to Confucianism, Mo Zi advocated for principles such as universal love, meritocracy, and practical utilitarianism. His ideas were radical for his time, particularly his rejection of the Confucian emphasis on hierarchical relationships and familial loyalty in favour of a more egalitarian approach to ethics and governance.

Mo Zi’s philosophy emphasised the importance of impartial care towards all individuals, aiming for a society that prioritised the welfare of the common people over the elite. Known for his innovative and sometimes controversial views, his teachings continue to resonate, provoking thought on morality, governance, and social welfare in contemporary discourse.

All Quotes by Mo Zi