Hillel the Elder

Quotes by Hillel the Elder

Hillel the Elder, an eminent figure in Jewish history, flourished during the late 1st century BCE and into the early 1st century CE.

Renowned for his profound wisdom and commitment to the study of Torah, Hillel emerged as a pivotal leader in the development of Jewish thought and practice. His teachings, encompassing ethics, law, and spirituality, have left an indelible mark on Judaism. Hillel is credited with founding the Hillel school of thought, which emphasised inclusivity and compassion, in stark contrast to the more rigid interpretations of the time.

His famous adage, “What is hateful to you, do not do to your fellow,” encapsulates the essence of his ethical philosophy and remains a guiding principle in contemporary moral discourse. Hillel’s influence extends beyond religious circles, shaping the cultural and intellectual landscape of Jewish life through the ages.

All Quotes by Hillel the Elder