
Quotes by Avicenna

Avicenna, known in the West as Avicenna and in the Islamic world as Ibn Sina, was a preeminent Persian polymath whose contributions to philosophy, medicine, and science profoundly shaped the medieval intellectual landscape.

Born in 980 in Afshana, near Bukhara (present-day Uzbekistan), he exhibited remarkable intellect from an early age, mastering subjects such as logic, mathematics, and astronomy.

Avicenna's most renowned work, "The Book of Healing," synthesises Aristotelian philosophy with Islamic thought, laying the groundwork for future philosophical inquiry. In medicine, his "The Canon of Medicine" became a foundational text in both the Islamic Golden Age and later in Europe, influencing medical practice for centuries. His innovative approach to metaphysics, ethics, and natural sciences marked him as a visionary thinker whose ideas resonate in contemporary philosophy and science. Avicenna's legacy endures, highlighting the interconnectedness of knowledge across cultures and eras.

All Quotes by Avicenna